down payment

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down payment

更新时间:2024-04-30 09:56:23

英 [daun ˈpeimənt]

美 [daʊn ˈpemənt]

down payment基本解释

na.预付定金; 分期付款的首次交款


第三人称复数:down payments

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1. a partial payment made at the time of purchase
the balance to be paid later

Synonym: deposit

1. (购物时的)首付款
If you make a down payment on something, you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month.

down payment的翻译

e.g. If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement...
e.g. Celeste asked for the money as a down payment on an old farmhouse.

1. 定金:按合同规定,签约后一个月内,买方在收到卖方银行出具的不可撤销保函(Irrevocable letter of guarantee)后必须支付20%的定金(Down payment). 由于种种原因,交货期多次推迟,在此期间W公司宣布破产倒闭,其财产被法院指定的财产清算委员会拍卖,

2. down payment的意思

2. 首期付款:该消费者打算以分期付款形式购买这辆车,首期付款(Down Payment)为1500美元,关于余下的6000美元,从汽车销售商处取得消费信贷. 汽车销售商通常向消费者提供若干种支持它的银行的信用条款. 对于该消费者,他(她)有如下三种选择:

3. 首付:比如,用第二房贷(second mortgage)来帮助借贷者少付甚至不付首付(down payment),使他们事实上的贷款-资产比达到甚至超过100%,连借贷手续费都不用准备,全都折算在房贷本金中去了.

4. 订金:你还需要知道能够为购置房屋筹得多少钱,以应付一次性的开支----这就是常说的首期订金(down payment)以及交收费用 (closing fee). 当你已经有所预算,并已确认了你的整体开支及收入,你便可以将余下资金,作最佳的安排. 为购置房屋储畜,

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
Hence, many people are unable to save money for a down payment.(因此,很多人都不能省钱的首期。)
so you'll have to figure on at least at a 25%-28% down payment .(因此,您必须计划支付至少25%—28%的定金。)
In order to hold your reservation, Ill need a 10% down payment up front.(为了保留你预定的东西,我要先收10%的定金。)
You may have to pay a higher interest rate and a bigger down payment upfront.(你可能要付出更高的利率和首付更大放在首位。)
Are you prepared to make a ten percent down payment?(你准备好付百分之十的定金了吗?)
Pre-shipment sample will be made available on receipt of down payment.(在收到定金的情况下,可以得到装船前的样品。)
It can take several months before payment missteps actually drive down a credit score.(数个月前未能还款才真正使信用积分下降。)
This is hardly enough to make a make a down payment on a car.(这不够用来支付购买汽车的首期付款。)
What you gave me was a down payment.(你刚才给我的是订金。)
How much is the down payment?(首期租金是多少?)
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